Aldis & Sons - Farm Shop & Cafe
A family run business supplying the finest quality home grown and locally sourced produce
A wide range of fruit & home-grown veg, meat, pet foods and speciality produce, all chosen with great care to provide the best for our customers.
Delivering wholesale to local pubs, restaurants and shops daily.
About Us
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Volunteer Day
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
Weekend Carnival
This is your Upcoming Event Description. Use this space to provide more details about your upcoming event like where it’s located, when it begins and ends, and who it’s geared towards.
Want to know more about our wide range of events? Call us today for more information.
Opening Hours
Come and pay us a visit
Mon - Sat: 9am - 4pm
Sun: Closed
Why not visit on on site cafe service delicious home cooked breakfasts, hot meals, cakes and hot drinks
when did yo uopen etc etc
Mention about breakfast, local supplier
Homemade snacks
talk about home made things
Homeade Cakes
Talk about cakes cakes cakes
Hot and cold drinks